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Protect and Shield Your Email Inbox

Never give out your private email address again. Instead, give each contact a unique, randomly generated email address. diagram

Email addresses are continually being passed around the Internet by spammers and hackers. Your privacy and cybersecurity is put at risk each time you give out your email address. manages this problem by allowing users to generate unique, disposable email addresses. Each of your email contact can be tied to a unique email address on, which forwards messages between the two parties. Your private email address is shielded and protected. Messages from unkown email addresses, such as those from spammers and hackers, are automatically moved to the junk folder.

If you no longer wish to receive messages from a contact, you can simply delete the unique email address he/she uses to communicate with you.

Using Unique Email Aliases generates a list of unique email aliases for each account. An alias such as "" can be used as any normal email address to receive email messages. Click on the icon to copy and paste this into where your email address is needed. Messages sent here will be forwarded to your private email address.

When you decide not to receive messages through this alias, it can be permanently deleted by clicking on the icon. Create more random aliases by clicking on the "Add Email Alias" button.

mail aliases

Sender Address Binding

Each email alias is bound to a specific sender email address. When a message is received by an alias, the message sender is compared to this address. If they are the same, the message is forwarded to the account's private email address; otherwise, the message is moved to the Junk folder.

After an alias is created, it will bind its sender address automatically to that of the first email message it receives. The sender address can also be set or changed at anytime by clicking on the icon.

mail sender

Email Subdomain

A private subdomain is randomly generated and assigned to each account. The subdomain in the form of "" can be used to send messages and hide your private email address. This subdomain is used as a suffix added to the end of any email address you need to send an message to.

For example, if your private subdomain is "", and you need to send a message to "", use the email address "". If you have previously communicated with this contact, the existing alias is used to replace your private address; otherwise, a new alias is generated on-the-fly and used.

This is an easy way for you to send someone a message without exposing or giving out your private email address as a return address. You can replace the email recipient with this longer-form address. Your email software will route this message through servers at, which automatically handles shielding your private email address and forwarding memssages between you and the other party. Because the method used here is just an email address, it will be compatible with any email client software you might choose to use -- whether it be a smartphone app, a desktop client, or a web browser app.

email subdomain

App Installation can be installed as an app on the Home screen of mobile or desktop platforms that support Progressive Web Apps. The app can then be launched directly from the Home screen.

Progressive Web App

Sharing Your Email Address

Common Email Security Flaws

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